Sunday, October 11, 2020

Earn Digital Currencies "Bitcoin" and "IOTA" from Yannik Site

Yannik Site
In this article, we introduce a new site, which is a Faucet Site, and this site is called Yannik, and it is an old faucet site that has several years of experience and is one of the reliable sites that has had regular payments over the years. This site has two faucet sections that pay different digital currencies. The older part pays users Bitcoin digital currency, and the other part, which was later added to the site, pays users the IOTA digital currency. The first faucet that Bitcoin pays starts on March 20, 2015 and has a history of more than 5 years, and the second faucet that IOTA pays started about 2 and a half years ago, on January 7, 2018.

You can earn money from this site in 3 ways. The first method, like most of the sites we have introduced here, is to earn money by clicking the Claim button. The second way to make money is by making Offers in which you receive digital currency for what you do for a site. Things like registering on sites, participating in surveys, etc., are among these tasks. The third way to earn money from Yannik site is to play on it and get money to play the game. In these last two sections, the Offers and Games section, you have to follow exactly the instructions written about each of them, so that you do not stop receiving your income for that particular job and receive your money in full.

This site pays you commission to introduce this site to other people, the amount of which is 15% of each Referral Click in the first part faucet with Bitcoin Digital Currency. In the second part, or the IOTA Digital Currency faucet, this amount increases to 25%. As we have said many times, the amount of commission on all sites is such that it has no effect on the amount of money your referrals receive and nothing is deducted from your referral money in any way. This means that it makes no difference to your referrals who register with your link or do so directly, as the amount paid to them is the same in both cases. The only thing that happens is that if you do not register with the link of the person who introduced the site to you and do it directly, it will cause that commission amount to go to the "site owner's pocket". And nothing reaches the referrer and you deprive him of it, while it makes no difference to you and the amount paid to you is the same in both cases.

But to get your income from this site, you need two Wallets. To get your Bitcoin, you can use the Coinomi Wallet mentioned in one of the previous posts or the Blockchain Wallet. And to receive IOTA currency, you must have a wallet for this digital currency, which we suggest you to use the Trinity Wallet, the training of which will be posted on the site in the future.

This site has 2 ways to pay your Bitcoin income and you can get your income and balance on Yannik site in two ways:

Direct payment to your Main Wallet (not recommended): The first way is for the site to transfer your income directly into your main wallet (for example, coinomi wallet), in which case your balance on the Yannik Site should be at least Thirty One Thousand Satoshi has been reached and the transfer fee is high.

Pay at FaucetPay Microwallet (the best way): But the second way to pay your income is through intermediate or temporary FaucetPay Wallet. A FaucetPay is a temporary or intermediate wallet called a microwallet. And through it you can get your income from sites and monetization sites transfer your money directly to FaucetPay Wallet and then you can transfer all your income available on FaucetPay Site to your Main Wallet.

The best way for you to get your money is through FaucetPay Wallet, which has a low transaction fee and the minimum amount you have to have on the Yannik Site to be allowed to withdraw is half the first method, and as soon as your income reaches Fifteen Thousand Satoshi. You can transfer it to your FaucetPay Wallet.


Click Here to Register on Yannik Site


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